Schedule : Monday-Saturdy 8:00-18:00
+91 98922 34715
Breast Augmentation is the most commonly performed Aesthetic Breast Surgery performed in Patients who have flat chest or low volume breast, who want to enhance their size due to various social & professional reasons. Such Patients are encouraged who are themselves eager to enhance and regain the balance to their figures than the Patients who want to get it done for other reasons. The implant (Silicone Gel / Saline Filled) implants are used to achieve the desired size and firmness of breast. Minimum to high enhancement of breasts can be achieved with different sizes & implant as the Patients desires. In Breast Augmentation using implant, your surgeon makes an incision, lifts the breast issues, creates a pocket in the chest / breast area & places the implant either below the gland (in good gland breast volume) or below the muscle / gland (in very low volume breast). A small drain is put which is removed on day three. Patients is discharged the same day or day after and advised to wear breast support sports bra for 3 weeks. Patient can join work after seven days when stitches are removed. Exercises can be started after three weeks.
Many young women have huge breasts which not only cause social embarrassment but also physical problems like backache & dragging sensation because of weight of the breasts & recurrent infection on the under surface of breast. These Patients are the candidates for breast reduction. A Breast Reduction removes excess breast tissue and fat and sculpts the breast into a smaller shape. Incision is made around the areola or vertically down from to the Breast Crease, Excess Fat & Glandular Breast is removed & Nipple – Areola is Repositioned & Breast is closed in multiple layers. Liposuction is done at the sides of breast for proper contouring. Both sides excess fat in Axilla can also be removed through separate incisions in Axilla. This operation is done under general anesthesia. Drains are put which are removed on day three when the pt goes home Patients is required to wear sports bra till three weeks, Stitches are removed on day seven. There after steroid ointment massage and silicon sheets is given to reduce scarring. Patients can go back to work after 3 weeks.
In our daily consultation we do find women who want to enhance the size of breast but do not want an implant (foreign substance) in the body. For such patients, fat grafting is an excellent procedure. You cannot achieve very high Augmentation as in implants but a descent breast shape can be obtained. In Breast Augmentation using Fat Grafting. Dr. Nageshwari Sharma harvests fat from other parts like Abdomen, Medial Thigh, Buttocks, Lateral Leg, Centrifuged and Injected in Breast. This requires three to six sittings depending on the size desired by patients. The pt can go home the same day with pressure garments on breast and also the Liposuctioned areas.
Age, weight loss and pregnancy can all attribute to Sagging of Breasts. Though the breast may be of good size but are drooping and lack firmness. Such Droopy Breasts occur commonly after multiple pregnancy and breast feeding, To bring back the breasts in proper shape, Breast lift operation is an alternative. In this operation breast is contoured by excising skin around the areola of vertically down from it without excising any breast tissue. If the breast tissue is too small, an implant can be added if desired by patient. This operation is done under general anesthesia. Patients goes home the same day with sports bra, Stitches are removed on day seven. Most patients can resume work in seven days.